
We help law firms by delivering highly qualified PERSONAL INJURY LEADS.

Spending too much on low-quality leads? If you’re in need of warm leads, you can now use our AI to find new clients.

How it works

Herculex.ai actively looks for personal injury leads in your area. We attract people in need of legal services through our free customer-facing AI solutions. We are the first point of contact for people facing a range of different personal injuries: Car Accidents, Slips & Falls, Medical Malpractice, Product Defects, Workplace Injuries, and many others.

Who we are

We’d like to think we know a bit more than the next guy when it comes to search engines and online behavior. After all, we are a team of marketing and advertising specialists, ex-Googlers, lawyers, and AI specialists. We continually optimize our marketing campaigns and customer-facing solutions to drive you more warm, high-quality leads.

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Based on over 50,000 cases, the calculator estimates the potential awards for new personal injury cases and matches the user with the ideal attorney.

Herculex is a lawbot that helps small businesses save money on legal fees, protect them from future liabilities, and connect them with the right legal professional. 

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